About halfway up to McCall we pulled over to the side to let Tralee stretch her legs. There's a little picnic/recreational area right by a calmer portion of the river that we thought would be a nice area to take a break. Jim took Tralee, and as soon as she saw the water, she took off towards it. We had to hold Tralee, or keep our hands on her clothing, or she would have walked right into the river. The girl has NO FEAR! I used to make fun of parents who would make their kids wear harness/leash things, but I think I'm beginning to understand the appeal to them!! We took some nice pictures by the river, let Corky relieve herself, changed Tralee's bum, and continued on our way.

Jim's Uncle Dave has a cabin up in McCall that he let us stay at. There was still TONS of snow surrounding it, so we had to walk over about three feet of snow to get to the door. Then, we noticed a HUGE chunk of ice melting off of Uncle Dave's new cabin onto the older one. It was kind of scary looking, because it could do some damage once it slid off the roof!

I'm ashamed to say that we purchased a LOT of junk food for our trip up to McCall. Once we were in the cabin and unpacked we made a frozen pizza, watched Click, and ate junk. I woke up in the middle of the night with some wicked heart burn. We did pack some healthy things, and I managed to have some organic strawberries and a glass of orange juice for breakfast before snarfing half a donut down the hatch. Oh well, we were on vacation. . . sort of.

Jim left for work early Monday morning, and Tralee and I were woken up by a wood pecker on the side of the cabin. RUDE! I had kind of a lazy morning with Tralee, and then we went for a walk. I didn't really know where I was going, as the cabin is hidden in the woods with only a dirt road around it. You could tell from looking at the cabins which people only use their cabins for the summer months. Most of them had three or more feet of snow covering their driveway. I took a picture of Tralee next to some snow to give you an idea how much snow there was in McCall. Even though we were surrounded by the white stuff, the weather was gorgeous! I packed a whole bunch of winter clothes, and we didn't even need them.

I called Jim while we were on our walk to make sure we wouldn't get eaten by a bear. Jim thought I was funny, but it's kind of an eery feeling being the ONLY human beings out in the middle of a wooded area. I had a plan in case a bear attacked. I would let Corky off her leash and say, "Go get it!" Hopefully Corky would chase after the bear to distract it, while Tralee and I could make it back to the cabin in safety. I know, I know I'm a horrid dog owner, but if it came down to it, I'm sure Corky would sacrifice herself for our safety. Actually, Corky's a pretty selfish dog, if I let her off her leash she would probably high-tail it in the opposite direction and leave me to fend for myself. Luckily I had just watched a TV show about what to do if you come face-to-face with a bear. I don't know how a toddler fits into the equation though. Luckily, just as Jim predicted, our walk was bear free. Jim also made sure to tease me about the whole bear thing when he came back to the cabin at lunch.

When Jim was done with work, we packed up our things, cleaned up, shut down the cabin, and left to do some more damage. Actually, I wanted to see the "cabin" where Jim was installing cabinets at. I put "cabin" in quotation marks because this thing was over 12,000 square feet, and had a bowling alley in it!!!! THAT WAS SO FREAKIN' COOL!!! If I could have a bowling alley in my house, I don't care what the rest of it would look like. This "cabin" was beautiful, everything was high-end, no detail was left untouched. Jim said they had been working on this house for over a year now. Keep in mind, this is just somebody's vacation home, probably will only be used a few months out of the year. What do you think their regular home looks like? CRAZY! I didn't take pictures of this place, because there was still a lot of construction going on. Jim will have to take several more trips up to McCall to finish installing, so when it gets closer to being complete I'll try to put pictures of it on here.

The drive home didn't go as smoothly as the drive there. Tralee got REALLY fussy about half-way home. She cried pretty much all the way home from that point. We changed her, fed her, gave her drinks, took her shoes off to make her more comfy, nothing worked. She just wanted OUT of her car seat. Poor thing. As soon as we got home she fell right asleep. When she woke up from her nap she was just as happy as can be!
My house is TRASHED!!! I have to clean today. I don't know how it gets dirty so quickly. Actually, I do. I believe it has something to do with a little 31 inch munchkin running amok pulling out everything in sight. Oh well.
I have to go. I smell something not-so-pleasant coming form the bottom area of the afore-mentioned munchkin. As my father-in-law would say, I believe Tralee has gone "numbers." So. . . there you go and there you are.