Saturday, November 16, 2013

Kitchen Art

Guys, holy crap I've been busy.  

No time to blog, and I have stories to tell.  It's a little frustrating, but as priorities go, updating the blog has been kind of low on the totem poll.  I'll get with it again. . . probable after the holidays.  Maybe I'll be graced with a day with nothing on the schedule soon, in which case I'll probably watch six seasons of a show on Netflix, read an entire book in one day, catch up on my To Do list (blogging included).

Until then, let me share my latest Etsy designs with you.  I had a customer ask for a custom order of three kitchen art prints, and then I decided to up it to SIX digital printables that would look adorable in any kitchen.  Colors are also customizable.  I actually have a blank piece of wall in my kitchen area I might want to hang these as 5x7s or something. . . hmmmm.  Possibilities!! 

Here they are, in two color variations.  Just click on the image if you want to go to my Etsy shop and check them out there.

   So. . . those are my latest designs.

Hopefully I'll be able to update the blog on our lives soon, because we're just so exciting.  :)

Have a delightful day!

Update 04-02-2014

Hey guys, these kitchen printables have been popular.  So popular in fact, I've had numerous custom requests.  Want to take a look at some of the other color combos I've done?  Well, look no further!  Some of them are pictured below.  If you want any of them for your own kitchen (or have any other color scheme in mind), just go to my Etsy shop and request them, I'll love it if you do!


Boom said...

Cute! I like the colored ones the best!

Laura said...

Hi Leslie,
I downloaded these prints a while ago and finally got around to hanging them up and posting the pictures on my blog. ( They make me smile every time I walk by. Thanks so much for sharing, and enjoy your sweet, new baby!

Leslie said...

Thanks Laura, they look great! I'm so happy you enjoy them!

siravi said...

Good one i like this kitchen designs thanks for sharing it.

Modular kitchen cabinate

lisal said...

An important functions of your kitchen are to store, prepare and cook food and to perform related tasks including to light a candle without matches

Suzane said...

A pretty important functions of one's kitchen are to store, prepare and cook food and to accomplish related tasks including dishwashing.underground pipe locator

fox said...

This is a truly cool post. I love this kitchen. Totally the style would fit to light a candle without matches

Davide Miller said...

Thank you so much for sharing this informative post. Really i got exact information what i was searching kitchen art prints to know about our service.