On Tuesday, March 13th, 2012 we woke up to a beautiful Hawaiian day! The sun was shining, the air was fresh and clean, and we were ready to go fill our day with as much fun as possible!
We started our day at Moose McGillycuddy's. This restaurant was super fun and eclectic! Added bonus, we had coupons for breakfast! I had macadamia nut banana pancakes with coconut syrup -- YUM! I'm not sure what everyone else had because my face was snarfing up as much of my yummy breakfast as I could.
After breakfast we made our way back to the hotel and to Ulua beach. We snorkeled, body surfed, tanned, and did all sorts of beachy things.
Cassi catching a wave |
I think she was having fun. What do you think? |
Tralee posing for a picture. The water was super clear this day. |
More pics of Stinks |
Cassi coached Adrienne on the fine art of body surfing |
I can't get enough of this pretty little face! |
Tralee ran up to me shouting, "MOM! MOM! MOM! MOM!" I ran over to where she pointed and found that she wrote her name in the sand. She was SOOOOO proud of herself, so I snapped a pic. |
I love this picture! I'm not sure why. Maybe it's the cute little wedgie she's rockin'. |
Dancing perhaps? |
Yup, I've decided. We're moving there. We're selling everything we have and we're moving to Hawaii. I want 365+ more days like this. Who's with me?

Hunter playing with his "stick family" in the sand.
It took Tandra a few tries, but she finally mastered the art of body surfing! We were all pros by the end. |
Jim and Tand back from snorkeling |
Sandcastle building time! Aren't my boys cute? |
Yup, Ade and I belong to the Hot Moms Club. Card holding HMC members I tell you! |
After beaching it up all morning long, we went back to the hotel for lunch. When everyone was replenished we made our way to the kiddie pool/slide area.
This was as close as Hunty got to body surfing in the ocean. Silly boy! |
Tralee LOVED going down this slide |
She was an expert! |
Both of the slides at our hotel. They had different colored wrist bands that let the slide attendant know if your child could go down the easy slide or the one that flung you into a 9ft pool. The "scary" slide was monitored so no non-swimmer child could go down it. I loved this! I felt much more comfortable sending Tralee up to the slides on her own knowing she couldn't accidentally go down the wrong slide. . . but the rest of us did!!! |
Tandra was smart to plug her nose. I got water up my nose almost every time I went down this thing! |
I love Jim's face here! |
Cass just cracks me up! |
Our little party by the pool |
Cute Cassi! |
After we spent all day basking in the Hawaii sunlight, we went back up to the room, cleaned ourselves up, and made our way out for some night life -- OH YEAH! We drove to Kaanapali where we caught a Hula show, shopped, and went out to dinner. On the drive, we pulled over and whale watched for a bit as well.
Cute little munchkins! |
I bought those sandals for Hunter in Hawaii. The ones I brought with me were WAY TOO BIG! Oops! The ones I bought in HI were on a "winter clearance" rack. Only in HI do you find sandals on a rack marked "winter clearance." They were $2.50. I wouldn't have normally picked these particular sandals, but I couldn't beat the price tag and they worked great the rest of our trip! |
Awe! Melts my heart! |
My little family on our way out for the night |
Some of my favorite girls! |
Adrienne, Cassi, and Tandra |
Tralee was SOOOO cute when she saw the hula girls. The only thing she asked to do the entire trip was, "see some hula girls." When we made it to the performance she was so cute and shy. Later on I asked her why she was so shy around the hula girls and she answered, "Because they were soooooooo beautiful!" They were beautiful, but nothing was more stunning to me than my little girl! |
This was Tralee's favorite dance. She called it, "The love one." |
Daddy and daughter watching some hula |
More hula girls |
This little guy was pretty stinken' cute!
When the hula show ended, we all went out to dinner. With our tummies full, we drove back to our hotel, got ready for bed, and rested up for our last full day on the island. |