Jim and I had a discussion about why I always tell people I'm from Milwaukee, when I grew up in the suburb of Fox Point. I explained it's because no one knows where Fox Point, WI is, but everyone has at least heard of Milwaukee. Also, Milwaukee is literally a 15 to 20 minute drive away from where I grew up (depending on the traffic). Jim was concerned about my eternal salvation in this "lie" I've been telling people for years, so I thought I should clear things up and explain that I'm from the "Milwaukee area." The funny thing was, right after we had this conversation Jim got a phone call, and when whoever he was talking to asked where he spent his Thanksgiving holiday he replied, "In Milwaukee." I couldn't help but tease him about his hypocrisy! Anyway, so we both don't end up in hell for the vicious lies we tell, let me just say these next few photos are from the remaining part of our trip in the "Milwaukee area."
Nana and Tralee playing together.
The little garbage trucks I wrote about in an earlier post. My five-year-old nephew, Brady, thought I was silly for taking a picture of a garbage truck.
Tralee playing at the indoor playground at the mall
We ate lunch at Rocky Rococos at the mall. It's a pizza place I used to eat at all the time when I lived in Milwaukee. Too bad there aren't any Rocky's in Idaho.
More playground pics
The house I grew up in. I lived there from first grade to eleventh grade.
Katie was one of my best friends from Wisconsin. We were in the same kindergarten class together. She has a little boy a year older than Tralee, and I really wanted to see them play together. However, Tralee was a little stinker and grump and we had to put her down for a nap during our visit with Katie.
Katie and her cute little boy Jack
I was also able to go visit Lauren, another one of my best buds from Wisconsin. However, I forgot my camera and didn't get any pictures. Oh well, it was a nice visit even without the pictures to prove it.
We also had dinner with my Uncle Mike and Aunt Mary, and didn't get any pictures from that either. Bummer.
Pics from our visit with my big bro Todd
On the day we left my mom, Jim, Tralee, and I went to visit my brother Todd at his group home. He wasn't sure about me when I first walked in, but as always, he was all grins and giggles as soon as he saw our mom. After he saw Mom, he liked having me around too. I was also excited for Todd to meet his newest niece (the last time I visited Todd Tralee was only five months old, and slept through the entire visit). Tralee and Todd eyed each other down a few times, but that was about it. I guess I wasn't expecting much more than that, as Todd's mental age is about the same or younger than Tralee's actual age. Tralee sure had fun playing with Todd's toys. She was ticked off when we made her leave Todd's room and say good-bye.
We left for the airport after our visit with Mr. T. Our trip to Wisconsin was fun and exhausting. Tralee didn't sleep too well away from home, and so we didn't sleep too well either. Oh well, it was worth it to visit with family, and see so many loved ones I haven't seen in over a year. I'm not sure when we'll make it back to WI after the new baby is born, and due to the fact that Tralee won't fly free after 1/23. Oh well, I'm glad for the opportunity we had to spend Thanksgiving back in the land of beer and cheese.
Tralee napping at the Milwaukee airport
Nice remembrances Leslie! As usual, a great job!
Love You,
Those are great pics! What a great family you have! I stayed in Wisconsin for a summer and now I completely miss it! I love it there!
Wow! Looks like a whirlwind of fun, and now I wish you 2 days of sleep! I hear you about flying free. Tori went on multiple plane rides before age 2, and since, none!
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