Here's his face.

It took quite a lot of work to get our baby boy's side profile. The sonogram tech had me lay on one side, then the other side, and then back to my back to see if all the movement would make this little boy shift so we could capture his profile. It finally worked!
Hopefully the next picture isn't too in-your-face, and if you're easily offended, sorry. As you can see, our son had no problem showing us his "stuff." When we walked into the room Jim told the technician, "Do all you can do to find a penis!" She told us that it had been a "penis day" so far, and that all three of her appointments were all boys. She quickly added, "just in case, what should I tell you if I can't find one?" Jim told her, "Just say, 'Well, I didn't find one today, maybe next time' that way I still have some hope." When we got to that part of the sonogram, the technician said, "Well, I did all I could to find a penis. . . and luckily for you, I found one!" Jim was thrilled! I was happy, but I would have been happy either way. I did feel some relief (for Jim's sake) that it was a boy. Later on I asked Jim, "On a scale between one and ten, how happy are you?" He replied, "An eleven." I then asked, "What if we were having a girl?" He answered, "A nine." So. . . either way Jim would have been happy too, but not as off-the-charts-happy as he is right now. When Jim left to go back to work he wished me a "Happy Penis Day!" From now on, 12/22 will be known as that.
Below are his arms and hands.
The next picture is of our son's feet. The technician pointed out that he has VERY large toes. He must get it from Jim, because I have short stubby toes, and Jim has gargantuan long toes. I also think our son's profile looks a lot like Jim's too. I know it's hard to tell at this stage, and while looking at a sonogram picture, but I still think it looks like Jim.

The last video is of baby boy Jacobs playing with his feet. The sonogram tech was laughing, because she said she doesn't see this kind of thing too often. He was playing with his feet for several minutes! It was so neat to watch. The video doesn't do it justice, but you get a glimpse of it. You might have to watch the video a few times to see what's happening. The head is to the left, and at one point you actually see his hand holding onto his leg so he can look at his feet. It's awesome! What a smart little guy, he's already coming up with ways to stay occupied in there!
Hope you enjoyed this post as much as we enjoyed posting it. We're very happy, and can't wait to meet this little man in about four and a half months.
My kids have been asking all day if we knew what you are having and are very excited to hear the news! Has Jim wrapped the B-B gun under the tree yet?
Yippie and HAPPY PENIS DAY to you!! Having one of each is good, then there is no more pressure.
YAY!! I love the videos!! I'm so excited for you guys! I can't wait to see the little guy!!
very exciting! Congrats boys are so much fun!
I'm thrilled! The pictures are awesome! I couldn't be happier!
Love, Mom
Congrats Leslie!!! Boys are a blast! It's fun having 1 of each!
You guys suck. Boys are the worst. you should've had all girls like us. I'm afraid we can't be cousins anymore. I will never speak to any of you again.
Yay! Congratulations! Sounds like you had a fun technician!
Congradulations! Boys are just as fun as girls only you feel like you should kiss them more because they're boys. Two is fun. Yay.
How fun! Congrats to you! It will be so fun to have one of each!
Enough with showing off your kids junk already! Quit rubbing everyones faces in it for crying out loud!
Hey Jared,
I thought you said you would never speak to us again. . . then you posted another comment. What a liar!
Posting is different than speaking genius!
Wow. . . you must have a lot of penis envy Jared!
You've met our three boys. They are quite different from Brin. So all I'm going to say is, good luck, Jim.
are you kidding me. I CANT WAIT, i sure like that i had to read that on your blog. lol i love you all. CONGRATS
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