On May 8th, 2009 Jim and I became the proud parents of
Hunter Owen Jacobs
Jim and I woke up at around 2:45 am on Friday morning to head for the hospital. I was induced. About thirteen hours of labor, and two pushes later we welcomed our son into the world.

Note: I was in the middle of a REALLY bad contraction in the above picture. So what does Jim do? Picks up the camera, cracks a joke, and takes my picture. A few minutes after this I broke down and started crying. I think my exact words were, "I don't want to do this anymore." Jim set the camera down and transformed into the sweet sensitive man that only I am privelaged to see in these types of situations. When some of his family members and friends ask, "is he EVER serious?" I can assure you, when I need him to be, he is. He calmed me right down, massaged my back, and assured me all would be well. About an hour later I got an epidural and all
was well. Jim was free to start cracking jokes again. And believe me, he did. :)
Hunter was born at 4:58 pm, he measured 20.25 inches long, and weighed 8.6 lbs.

Jim and I are amazed that Hunter doesn't look at all like Tralee. In fact, we can't quite figure out who Hunter looks like. The few names that have come up are John (Jim's younger brother), and my Mom (Jim sees her in Hunter's face, but I don't think so). No matter who Hunter takes after, we're so happy to welcome him into our lives.

Ten tiny toes and ten tiny fingers. Perfect!

Tralee couldn't be more thrilled and more protective of her little brother. All she wants to do is hold him. She's so gentle with him, and often puts up a fight when we take him off of her lap. Being the parents of two WILL NOT be an easy task, and to be quite honest, I'm terrified of the first day it's just me alone with my two munchkins. However, it's a task I'm willing to undertake. I love both of my children so much, and hope and pray I do what's right when it comes to raising them.
Tralee's first glimpse at Hunter. It was love at first sight. 

I'm pretty tired now. So, I'm going to go sleep while the baby is still sleeping.
Thanks again for all your thoughts and prayers.