Our vacation started out on Wednesday morning. We dropped Corky off at Kathy and Nathan's (Jim's cousins) so she could be dogsat, then we headed off to the Boise Airport. Tralee loved crawling around while we were waiting for our flight to board and she behaved well and slept on the airplane.

Adrienne, Jim's sister picked us up from the St. George Airport with her daughters Tandra and Cassie. They were hiding behind newspapers, so we couldn't see them. Then -- Surprise -- they jumped out and we were so happy they were there.
Wednesday night we ate dinner, and hung out at Jim's brother, John's house. Tricia and Jeff (Jim's mom and her husband) were there. John and his wife Cassie have two kids. A girl, Lexi Jo who's two, and a boy, Brody who's seven months old . Tralee had fun playing with them. Later on Wednesday night we sung karaoke songs and hung out.
Thursday was Thanksgiving. Basically there was a lot of hanging out, eating, watching football, playing football, and sleeping. Tandra and Little Cassie made place sitting signs for everyone at the Thanksgiving table as well as Pilgrim hats. It was very cute. Tralee and Jim took a long nap, and later Tralee crawled around and got used to her new surroundings and cousins. Thursday night we went swimming at Adrienne's pool. We all had fun.

Thanksgiving was a nice, relaxing, fun day.
Friday the girls went shopping and Jim and Tandra and Cassie went bowling, miniature golfing, and played video games. Tralee fell in love with her reflexion again while in a fitting room. It was so cute! Lexi even got in on the action.

Can you blame Tralee for looking at herself, look at how cute she is!

Here's Lexi singing on the way home from the mall.
After shopping Cassie cut my hair, which I haven't had done in forever! I love my new do!

Friday afternoon John took us to a place where we could go hiking. Jim and John went on the more intense hike which involved some actual mountain climbing, while the rest of us did the less intensive hike. It was beautiful!
Here's Jim and Adrienne:

Here are some random shots from hiking:

These are two cool pictures of Jim and John scaling a mountain:

Jim decided to jump over a gap in the mountain. I'm watching from below:

Here we are, just a happy family:

When we were done with the hike, we left for Mesquite to go eat lots of sea food at the all-you-can-eat crab leg buffet. It was yummy!

Jim and Adrienne gambled for a bit, Big Cassie and I talked in the hotel check-in area, and the rest of the gang watched the Boise State football game in the lounge.
Saturday was my favorite day of our vacation. We went four-wheeling and had a blast! Here is little Cassie getting ready for a ride.
Four-wheeling was awesome.

Tralee and I rode in John and Cassie's friend's Rhino with the other moms with young kids. I thought I would be nervous, but it was just fun going up in the sand dunes. Tralee slept all the way up, but she woke up and played in the sand, and then squealed with glee on the ride back down.

We had a picnic, and then the guys took the Rhino for a more intense ride.

Adrienne got a fun video of it. Jim said the video isn't true to how crazy they were being. This was towards the end of their ride.
That night we all went swimming at Adrienne's again. Fun!

We played ping-pong at Adrienne's clubhouse that night. Nothing too exciting happened. Sunday night Tandra lost a tooth, and we got it on video. The tooth fairy visited her that night, and even let her keep the tooth.
Monday Jim and I packed up, hung out with family some more, and then flew home. Our flights were uneventful. The only bad news is, Tralee seemed to pick up a cold. Poor thing has been a little fussy and snuffly yesterday and today. Yesterday and today I've been trying to get back into the groove of things. But, it's not working too well. I still kind of wish I was in St. George and Tralee is really fussy and sick! Poor thing.We stayed with Adrienne while we were in St. George and she is always a great hostess. She's super fun to hang out with and talk to, and she likes to feed us yummy food. John and Cassie are also fun to hang out with. We really love to be around them, and we think they're great people. We all had fun, and Jim and I are sad the vacation is over.
Here are some random pictures of Tralee and some of her cousins.

One thing we kept saying on this trip was "WE LIED!" with extra glee. This is because Adrienne, Tandra, Little Cassie, and I all tricked Jim into drinking a health drink. The drink is actually disgusting, but we told him it tasted good. As soon as Jim took a sip Little Cassie squealed, "WE LIED!" and put her hands up in the air. It was more funny than Jim's actual expression.
Here are some dinosaurs Jim made out of clay for his nieces. Cute!

The End