Monday, July 28, 2008


Tralee is a pretty good sharer. For instance, the other day I observed her sharing her milk with Elmo. I didn't suggest this to Tralee, she came up with it on her own. Elmo must have looked parched. So as Tralee shared with Elmo, I snapped a few shots of her feeding her friend. She's so thoughtful!

Elmo's Turn . . .

. . .Tralee's Turn. . .
. . . Elmo's turn again.


Phelps Family said...

That is so cute! Hopefully she continues to share as she gets older!

Boom said...

Love the crocs! She is such a Sweetheart. I loved hearing your Dad call you Sweetheart when you were home.

Sam and Lacey said...

Aaah. She is a cute little sharer. Maybe I should take a lesson from her.