Jim's dad and step-mom came down from the Great White North for a visit this last Friday. At the same time Jim's brother John, his wife Cassi, and their cute kids (Lexi and Brody) also visited from St. George. John and his family spent most of their time visiting with Trish, and being pleasantly surprised at how well her recovery process is going. Trish still has a ways to go, but it's amazing the progress she's made over the last few weeks. When John and his family could, they visited with us and it was so fun see everyone!
Friday we all hung out at our place, chatted, and then went to bed.

Saturday's highlights included ice skating on Lake Lowell. Jim and his dad took the hockey gear down to the lake first. Judy, Tralee, and I met up with them a while later and watched Tralee get pulled around on a sled. I wasn't there when it happened, but apparently Jim and Ross (and I think John was there also) were escorted off the ice by a police man. Apparently it's a federal offense to ice skate on Lake Lowell. This is weird, because it's not against the law to ice fish on it, and people do all the time. Does anyone else see the problem here? Weird.

Saturday was also Valentines Day, so Ross and Judy were nice enough to take Jim, Tralee, and me, as well as John, Cassi, and their kids out to eat. The only problem was, every place we tried had at least an hour wait. We finally called The Cracker Barrel and they had no wait, so to The Cracker Barrel we went. It was quite nice, and we had a nice Valentine's dinner with family thanks to Ross and Judy.
Oh, I also can't forget to mention our visit to Cabelas. Jim (and his dad) could spend all day in there. It's a cool place to visit, and the kids were mesmerized by the fish tanks, but I think we spent well over an hour (possibly two) in there. At least Cassi and Judy were there to talk to. The kids also kept us occupied as well. Ross managed to sneak another visit to Cabelas in on Monday by telling Judy he needed to pick up a fishing lure he ordered. Jim was in on it too. Turns out, there was no lure, the guys just wanted another chance to see the wonders of Cabelas. It was actually pretty funny.
Sunday we went to Church, Ross and Judy saw John and Cassi off to St. George, and we hung out some more. It was nice.
Jim had a hockey game while Ross was in town, and was so excited to have his dad watch him play in a game. Sadly, these were the only pictures taken, as no refs showed up and the game was canceled. Jim was bummed!!! However, Jim and Ross made the best of it by driving around Boise, checking out some of Ross's old mission area, and having some father-son talks.

Monday we shopped, hung out, ate out some more (thanks again to our Canadian visitors). Judy bought our baby-on-the-way some really cute outfits, and Tralee an adorable Easter/summer dress and sweater. I absolutley LOVE it, and can't wait to put Tralee in it. I only wish the warmer months would hurry up and get here!
Monday night we watched a movie together, and went to bed. Before we knew it, Tuesday morning came and we were waving goodbye to Ross and Judy as they drove away to head home.
We had a great time with family, and we're sad they had to leave. But, all good things must come to and end I suppose. We're really grateful to Jim's dad and Judy for showing us such a good time while they were in town. It was almost like we were on vacation too.
Now it's back to normal life. Jim's on an install today, and I have laundry to do and boring errands to run. Hopefully I'll get them all done today, as motivation is an issue. I have none, especially when it comes to the laundry. I just don't want to do it. Wish me luck!