After Tralee and I completed our art project at BAM's Toddler Wednesday(see previous post), we ran around in the rose garden. Tralee spotted one of the fountains, and she desperately wanted to go in. She wouldn't move away from the fountain for the longest time. I wasn't about to let her get in the water either. They dye it an unnatural blue color, and I can just imagine Tralee coming out of the water dyed blue. Not to mention the chemicals they probably keep in the water to keep it clean and blue.

Here is Tralee looking all forlorn because I won't let her get into the water. Lucky for me, the fountain was just high enough that Tralee couldn't climb over the wall and get in!!

It took some pretty serious convincing, but I finally got Tralee to walk amongst the roses with me.

She even smelled her first flower! I had to show her first, pretty dramatically, how to smell a flower. When I asked her to do it, she took a nice big whiff of a pretty rose, turned to me, and smiled. I think she liked it. Plus, she didn't sneeze afterwards, so she's not allergic! Hooray! Her future suitors (does anyone use that word anymore) can send her flowers!!

Tralee really liked the roses, probably a little too much. I kept telling her, "No touch! Just smell with your nose and look with your eyes!" Tralee ignored me and continued to tear petals off of each rose within her reach. She probably managed to mangle at least three roses before she caught on that it was a "No no." I'm glad no one else was around to scold me for not keeping a better eye on my daughter.

It was fun watching Tralee explore her surroundings and smell the roses without me telling her to. It was a lot of fun! I also took some cute pictures of Tralee.

I tried to get some pictures of both of us. They didn't turn out too great. The sun was right in our eyes. Oh well, I tried.

The roses were beautiful and they smelled great! I'm glad Boise has a rose garden. It's a definite plus!
Roses are the best, and all those pictures are sooo cute.
Beautiful photography!
Cute pics! I see so much of both you and Jim in her!
How beautiful! Reminds me of a European garden. Ya, I always feel bad when my kids tear leaves off trees, etc.
nice pics and I really like the main pic on the blog. most of the time i just read blogs through my reader so maybe it's been up for a while. can't wait to see you in November! yayy!
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