A fellow mom in our ward called this morning to let me know about a play date happening at a local park. It was a great excuse for Tralee and I to get out of the house and socialize, so we went. Tralee had fun running around, blocking the slide so no other kids could go down (we're working on this), swinging, and I had fun visiting with other moms.
After the play date Tralee and I came home for lunch, we both took a nap, and then I cleaned up a bit. Before I knew it I needed to have a game plan for dinner, so I started going through our food supply to figure out what to make. In the middle of preparing dinner, Tralee woke up, became mesmerized with the rice cooking, climbed around on furniture (the little monkey), and made a mess as I finished preparing dinner (chicken, veggies, brown rice).

Jim got home, we ate, and as he left for mutual, Tralee and I left for a Stampin' Up party another lady in our ward was hosting.
I have to say, some women are SO crafty! I've done my share of crafts/scrapbooking, but I'm amazed at the things there are to do out there! So many more items/ideas than I've ever dreamed of. The thing is, I recently read an article that said of all the crafts you can do, scrapbooking/paper crafts are the least economically friendly, and since my heart isn't into it, I didn't purchase anything. Also, I've been doing the digital scrapbooking thing using tools like blurb.com, picaboo, snapfish, etc. The books come perfectly bound, really cute, and take up only a tiny bit of space on my bookshelf, as opposed to the humungo 12x12 scrapbooks I used to make, and they cost the fraction of the price to do, AND it's a LOT less time consuming. It's fun to make cards (like we did at tonight's Stampin' Up party), but I just don't see myself doing it enough to purchase all the equipment. I'll just go out and purchase a card if needed. That being said, I don't have anything against scrapbooking, Stampin' Up, or card making, in fact I admire all the crafty women (and some men I suppose) out there in the world that DO do it -- it's just not for me. . . anymore.
Tralee and I left the party early because she was getting fussy cramped up in a craft room, and it was close to her bedtime, so we came home. I still need to do some laundry tonight because I'm out of clean *unmentionables.*
So, that was our day in a nutshell. I hope yours was dreamy, blissful, and constructive.
I have to say, some women are SO crafty! I've done my share of crafts/scrapbooking, but I'm amazed at the things there are to do out there! So many more items/ideas than I've ever dreamed of. The thing is, I recently read an article that said of all the crafts you can do, scrapbooking/paper crafts are the least economically friendly, and since my heart isn't into it, I didn't purchase anything. Also, I've been doing the digital scrapbooking thing using tools like blurb.com, picaboo, snapfish, etc. The books come perfectly bound, really cute, and take up only a tiny bit of space on my bookshelf, as opposed to the humungo 12x12 scrapbooks I used to make, and they cost the fraction of the price to do, AND it's a LOT less time consuming. It's fun to make cards (like we did at tonight's Stampin' Up party), but I just don't see myself doing it enough to purchase all the equipment. I'll just go out and purchase a card if needed. That being said, I don't have anything against scrapbooking, Stampin' Up, or card making, in fact I admire all the crafty women (and some men I suppose) out there in the world that DO do it -- it's just not for me. . . anymore.
Tralee and I left the party early because she was getting fussy cramped up in a craft room, and it was close to her bedtime, so we came home. I still need to do some laundry tonight because I'm out of clean *unmentionables.*
So, that was our day in a nutshell. I hope yours was dreamy, blissful, and constructive.
Yellow is a good color for Tralee. I'm glad you didn't get stuck buying something that you don't need. I have my share of crap lying around the house taking up space because I really had no need for it. I'll try to follow your example.
It was fun to see you today! I was bummer that I didn't get to make it to the stamp party, it sounds like it was a lot of fun! It's goog that you didn't purchase anything you didn't need, I have a bad habbit of doing that lol.
I agree about the whole scrapbooking thing. It's definitely fun, but my old HS scrapbooks (fun as they are to look back on!) are bulky and not fun to lug around and they took forever to make! I didn't even finish scrapbooking HS, let alone college, because the process was too intimidating/time consuming. I also decided that I think I'm gonna do the online thing and have books made with all of my pictures. I'm sure I'll still do a few handmade scrapbooks in my life, but I am trying to minimize the amount of stuff I have (since I'm still single and moving around a lot...)
We're on the same page. I love to see what others can do, it's just not for me.
I only knew about blurb so thanks for the mention of the other sites.
Cute pictures! Your little girl is surely a little doll face! Nice outfit Alice got her. Does that mean she is in a size 3 or 4?
She's in a 2T, and that's still a little big.
Sounds like you guys are feeling better I hope? You are so good to go and support your friend at the Stampin Up party...I am so bad because I HATE going to all of those home parties because I feel like I need to buy something to be a good friend, then I get mad at the people for putting me in that situation! I just need to get over it!
I'm with you on the photo books. I just finished making Samuel's abc book. Found a picture, or few, for each letter. I plan on making one for Jocelyn's b-day. Anyway, way to go green too!
That trait totally comes from your husband. Whenever we go sliding he hogs the bottom the whole time.
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