Jim's going to be out-of-town for Tralee's actual birthday, so we wanted to have a fun day for our little Stinks before Jim left town. We made a plan, and then called up all of Tralee's friends (okay, their parents) and invited them to join us for Tralee's birthday party.
The plan was we would go eat pizza first, and then go to Jump Time (a place full of trampolines and inflatables). Everyone had a B.L.A.S.T. Most importantly, we celebrated Stinky Tralinky's 4th birthday. She felt loved, and I couldn't believe I have an (almost) four-year-old! CRAZINESS!!!
We started the festivities by hanging Tralee's Birthday Banner, tying a balloon to her chair, decorating her cupcakes, and making the party gift bags. I found some fabric is my stash for the bags, ribbon for the handles, and started sewing. The boys' gift bags had a hero theme for the goodies, and little men on the front. The girls' bags had a princess theme for the goodies, and little women on the front. The bags were really fun to put together. I used my Silhouette cutter and iron-on transfer paper to put the little men and women on the front.

Tralee picked out her outfit, (fake) pearls and everything! I think she did a pretty great job!
Another group shot.
I think Tralee liked her birthday cupcakes, what do you think?
After we were done eating, we made our way over to Jump Time. Everyone had so much fun!
Shortly after Hunter's slide meltdown, we decided it was time to get the kids home. We thanked all of our guests for coming, and made our way home. I think all of us took a nap that afternoon. It felt so good! After a few hours, we all woke up, ate dinner, and then Tralee opened her gifts from us (pictures of that soon to come).
It was a PERFECT day!
Happy 4th Missy Missy!
Excellent Post - Love it!
Happy Days!
HAPPY early BIRTHDAY TRALEE!!!!! I'm so glad she had so much fun! My favorite thing is Tralee's birthday outfit, I think she picked out the perfect outfit. Looks like so much fun!! Love you all!
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