For a while there Tralee had speech every Wednesday afternoon, which meant that our treks to BAM for Toddler Wednesday were no more. Now that therapy no longer falls on Wednesdays, we thought we should pop into my old work place for a little Toddler Wednesday action. The only thing that could make an art experience at a contemporary art museum even more fun, was if we invited our BFF's to join in the action. So, yesterday afternoon we got a little culture with our friends.

Jovie, Audie, Oakley, and Tralee working on some art

Hunter mostly ran around with scissors. Is that bad?

Tralee, Jovie, and Oakley holding up their finished products

Hunter in the art experience room

I love how little kids sit like this! Hunter is pushing buttons on the art experience computer.

We let the kids run around the rose garden after we got our art on.

Oakley, Tralee, Hunter, and Jovie looking at the water
After running amidst the roses for a good half hour or so, we went to the other Jacobs' house for lunch. After eating we hung out, then made our way to a dollar store for some Halloween decor. Gotta love dollar stores!
Tralee was really sad when the time came to leave. All the way home she cried, "But I want to play with Jovie and Oakley right now! I don't want to go home." She loves those girls so much. It's a good thing we have another playdate scheduled for Friday.
Can't wait!
Such a fun day. Hunter is so blonde!!
I love when you post!
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