Friday, January 11, 2013

Waikiki Aquarium Day

Here are some pics I took with the big camera from our adventures at the Waikiki Aquarium and one pic of a mermaid from the night before.  More from these days in paradise here.  

The Pacific Beach Hotel had a mermaid show everyday at 5 and 9pm.  We went to watch one night.  The kids thought it was cool.

My little city slickers.

Tralee is such a good little helper!  She would help push Hunter around when I had my hands full of beach gear, or needed to answer the phone, or navigate the bus schedule.

Pretty fishies at the aquarium

I love the look of wonder in his eyes.  I keep forgetting how new our world is to my little lovlies.  It's nice to be reminded when looking into their eyes of wonder.


Tralee remembered that this was my favorite fish from the aquarium on Maui.  She said, "Look Mom!  A frog fish, your favorite!"

I let Tralee take the camera for a few minutes.  This is one of her pics.

Also Tralee's masterpiece.

We stopped to play hide-and-seek in the Banyan tree by the beach

There were lots of surfing legend monuments along the streets of Waikiki


I bet you can't find Hunter!

My little hula girl!

Shaved ice

1 comment:

Boom said...

I really like that outfit on Tralee!! It looks Hawaiian.