Tralee's seventh birthday was a full two-day celebration. Two days you ask? Yes. This mamma was so excited for her daughter's special day that she overlooked the calendar, and decorated a full night in advance. It wasn't until the next morning, while looking at my phone to get the time that I noticed it WAS NOT Tralee's birthday. I was a full day ahead of myself. I had been telling Tralee all month that her birthday would be on a Wednesday, when it was really on a Thursday. Stinks woke up Wednesday morning ready to celebrate, and I had to tell her about her mommy's mix up. I did it in such a way to make it a positive, "YOU GET TWO WHOLE DAYS TO CELEBRATE!" It was kind of funny, and all was well in the end. The best part was, I had a whole extra day (so it seemed) to have a six-year-old instead of a seven-year-old.
A few birthday decorations
The kids expect streamers on their doors every birthday
On Tralee's actual birthday, she woke up to even more decorations than on her birthday eve. I sent her off to school with her favorite breakfast in her belly, and then picked her up from school with balloons and a new stuffed animal. She loved the surprise. After school I let Tralee open gifts, and then we rushed to pick up her frousin (friend + cousin), Brinley. We went to Big Al's for dinner and games.
Tralee and her after school surprises
Hunter showing off the presents we wrapped for Tralee. Poor Tralee, when you have a birthday one month after Christmas, your gifts will forever be wrapped in the left-over Christmas wrapping paper. She doesn't seem to mind too terribly! |
Unwrapping |
She loved all of her gifts! |
Eating Tralee's birthday Sundae |
Lucky girl won 1,000 tickets on one game.
After Big Al's, we came back to our place for cake and ice cream, and then drove Brinley home. When we got back home there was a knock on the door, and one of Tralee's best buds from school/church/neighborhood stopped by with her mom to give Tralee a bag full of birthday love. It was probably my favorite part of Tralee's birthday. Her friend's mom let me know that her daughter had put the bag together entirely on her own. It consisted of a home-made puzzle made out of paper plates, a used and well loved stuffed animal cat, a dollar bill, a picture Tralee's friend had drawn, and a picture of the friend's bunny. Tralee loved her friend's gifts just as much as the store-bought ones Jim and I purchased for her.
I just LOVE what those little innocent minds think of as the ultimate gift. It also reminded me that true gifts come from the heart. In fact, Tralee fell asleep early that night, snuggling the well-loved stuffed animal kitty from her friend, and not the brand new cat I purchased for her. I could just imagine Tralee's little friend putting the gift bag together, giddy and excited to deliver it to Tralee. Tralee's expression when opening the bag was utter delight. She knew her buddy had put a lot of thought into the surprises. It melted my heart right into mush, and taught me a thing or two about gift-giving.
Tralee's cake. She asked for it to be a vanilla cake, with chocolate frosting, and Hershey's chocolate decorating it. Hershey's bars are her favorite.
Make a wish! |
Blowing out the candles |
Tralee in her Hello Kitty cat pajamas she got for her birthday (her new favorite jammies) |
Overall I think my baby girl (she'll always be my baby girl) had a great birthday. She was sad that her daddy had to be out-of-town for it, but we celebrated with him in advance. We also promised her another special birthday outing, that I think we'll deliver on this weekend. So, when all is said and done, not too shabby for our seven-year-old.
Zonked out on the couch with her new (old) stuffed animal cat. |