
Saturday, December 14, 2013

First Grade Love Poems

My little Tralee is quite the writer.  Here are three of her *Love* poems she wrote a few months ago.  I kind of adore them. . . and their author.

Love Poem #1
By Tralee

He is the one.
As beautiful as a flower.
As he goes away and away
as I go.

This next one is my favorite.  When I asked her who it was about, her cheeks turned pink, and she got all shy.  I realized right then and there that Jim and I are going to be in trouble when the hormonal teenage crushing years hit us.

Love Poem #2
By Tralee

He is the one.
As handsome as a honeybee.
He has the twinkle in his eyes.
The honey glow in his cheeks.
He is the one
he is.

Love Poem # 3
By Tralee

The wind is in my hair.
The love is blowing away.
My heart is bumping hard.
Away I go.
Away in the fog.

So what do you think?  Do we have a future Shakespeare on our hands?  Will these sonnets someday be worth millions?  :)  Either way, they're priceless to this Mama.

1 comment:

  1. Leslie,
    She is certainly your daughter! Remember the poems you used to write? I still have many of them somewhere.
