
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Birthday 32

I turned 32 a few weeks ago.  I celebrated with a few fun activities.  Jim was out of town, so it was up to myself and the kid-os to make it special.  Before Jim left for his business trip, he took me out to eat, and then surprised me by taking me to a running store to pick out a new pair of running shoes.  I love them, and I love him for thinking of it!

The night before my 32nd day of birth, I made my favorite soup -- Gypsy Soup from Moosewood's cookbook -- served with beer bread.  It was one of my best batches, and the beer bread was the perfect compliment to the soup.  

This page of the cookbook is lovingly stained
My little helper

I like to get all the ingredients ready, so I can just dump them in at every step, like I'm on a cooking show.
Beer bread!!  YUM!

This tasted so good!

The morning of my birthday my children requested that I stay in bed.  I listened with a grin on my face as I heard things like, "Do you think she'll want this kind of cereal?" and "She likes apples!" coming from the kitchen.  A few minutes later Tralee and Hunter walked into my bedroom with my birthday breakfast and birthday card in tow.  Cereal never tasted so good!

I loved this!
Later that afternoon I went to my friend's/cousin-in-law's house and worked on a project with her while our kids ran around and played.  We also ate a delicious pie to celebrate my 32 years of life. 

Cary and I spent the day working on this shelf
Some of my favorite birthday gifts are pictured below.  I finally got a Blendtec!  HOORAY!  It was a gift from my mom and dad.  Thanks guys, you're awesome!  Also, fellow Blentec users, send me your favorite recipes!

My brother and sister-in-law sent me a Beastie.  If you're wondering what a Beastie is, read about it here.  I love IT!

After I put my kids to bed, I watched this.  I've been watching 16 Candles on my birthday every year for the past several years.  It started the first time Jim was out-of-town on my day, and as it just so happens that he's always gone when I turn a year older, it's become my tradition.  I suppose if I can't blow out candles with my husband close by, watching Jake Ryan tell Samantha to "make a wish" is a pretty great consolation.

Lastly, on the Saturday after my birthday, I attended my first witches' hobble with some of Jim's family members.  We all gave ourselves witchy names -- I chose Badmorda -- ate disgusting looking, yet delicious tasting food, played games, and practiced our cackles.  It was a great party!   

Turning 32 was wonderful!  It was simple and spent with loved ones.  Exactly how I like it.  

I know it's going to be an amazing year!!

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