
Friday, July 26, 2013

Summer Days

We've traveled a lot this summer, but on the days we're home, we try to go out and do at least one or two fun things each day.  

Sometimes we go different parks for playgroup.  On this particular day, we went to a park that had a splash pad.  The kids had a blast.  

Hunter at the park

Tralee at the park
Sometimes, before we go swimming at the pool, we paint in the garage.  My kids at little Monet's and Pollock's, that's for sure. 

Hunter working on his art.  I love his hair in this picture. . . always a mess!

Tralee painting

I was trying to get a picture of all three of us painting, so I set my phone's camera to timer.  This was the first attempt of many.

This was as good as it got!!!  HAHA!  I NAILED IT!

Hunter's masterpiece

Tralee's masterpiece

Every Monday we're home, the kids and I trek to our local library, to get a new batch of books, and do a little library playin'.  The kids have made art projects during craft hour, and have played the library's computer games.  It's a nice cool way to spend some time.
Hunter at the library

Tralee at the library
 Whether we're home our not, all of our summer days are pretty great.  We've seen a lot, crafted a lot, swam a lot, explored a lot, been in the great outdoors a lot, and have had a whole bunch of sunny fun!

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