
Sunday, November 27, 2011

Skipped the Crowds and Decked the Halls

My last post was about Thanksgiving decorations.  It's only the Sunday after Thanksgiving, but it already feels like ages ago.  We spent our Turkey Day with Jim's Aunt Michelle and her family.  We also got to visit with some of Jim's other relatives.  It was a laid back day surrounded by yummy food and fun people.  My kind of day.  I made this.  Exquisite.  I mean, it was on Martha Stewart's website, so of course it would be perfection!  I mean, I'm not a chocolate person, but I LOVE French Silk Pie -- go figure.  Literally.  My figure goes just thinking about the scrumptious deliciousness of this pie.  On the way over to Jim's Aunt's house I whined, "I don't want to share this pie.  I want it all for me."  I said this whilst imagining my French-Silk-Pie-covered-face sitting on my kitchen floor, fork in mouth, empty pie pan on my lap, and a look of satisfaction smothered over my face.  Jim gave me a, "You're weird" glance, and I was reminded that it was Thanksgiving.  A day we're supposed to share our blessings with others.  So, once we arrived at Michelle's, I decided not to leave the pie in the car only to take it home later and snarf its silky, rich, satiny, chocolate, decadence all by myself, and share my bounty with others. Now the pie is gone, and I'm a little sad.

To get over my love affair with The Pie, I spent the Friday after Thanksgiving NOT fighting the deal-thirsty mobs (not a fan of crowds) and instead I stayed home with the littles tearing down our Fall decor and adorning our house for Christmas.  While we hung the ornaments with care, Nat King Cole (I could listen to his smooth voice croon Christmas Carols ALL.  DAY.  LONG) among others filled our house with Christmasy spirit.  I even completed a new craft I had been thinking of.  It was SO easy and I think it turned out pretty cute if I do say so myself.  Looky here:

I call them, Antiqued Mason Jar Lanterns  

Materials Needed:  

Mason jars (or any glass--think recycled sauce--jars)
Metallic spray paint (I used silver), 
Sand paper
Brown and/or black acrylic paint (those little .50 to .89 bottles is more than enough)
A few drops of water
Medium paint brush or small sponge brush
Vinyl letters that spell holiday-ish verbage (I cut mine using my Silhouette, but before I had this handy machine I would go to a craft store and get stickers to use for this kind of project or cut paper by hand an Modge Podge it on)
A finishing/sealing agent (I used glossy Modge Podge).

How To:  

1.  Spray paint jars.  I spray painted the jars with a silver metallic paint, then let them dry
2.  Sand Jars.  Scuff up the spray paint using sandpaper.  Just do this to your liking. Wipe down jars.
3.  Antique Glaze Jars.  Add a bit of brown/black acrylic paint to a container and water it down a bit to create a glaze.  You might have to play around with the consistency.  Paint glaze on jars to give an antiqued effect.  Use paper towel to rub off the acrylic paint if it's a little too thick in some areas.  Continue to glaze to your personal preference.  I did a few coats.  Wait for it to dry.  
4.  Place letters on.  I cut some vinyl letters using my Silhouette (you could also use stickers or modge podge paper letters/designs on).  
5.  Seal Jars.  I finished the project by painting a coat of Glossy Modge Podge over the entire surface of the jars.
6.  Decorate with jars!  I added some fun Christmas lights and, Ta-da!!, Antiqued Mason Jar Lanterns!

Here are some more of our decorations:

I took an old thrift store frame, spray painted it green, modged podged some paper onto it, and added the vinyl sleigh and letters.  I coated it with some Modge Podge (love that stuff!)
Some trees I made and some dollar store decor (love the dollar store!)
Earlier in the day the kids and I decorated our mini tree.  It's the centerpiece on our often cluttered dinning room table.
More decor.  I made the advent calendar.  Some other items are things I made mixed with dollar store finds.  The Irish Santa was a hand-me-down from Jim' mom.  We like anything Irish around here!

We decorated the Christmas Tree as a family Friday night.  I actually did send Jim out into the masses to buy us a good deal on a fake tree.  Yes, we've decided to go fake this year.  I'm still finding pine needles from last year's tree.  I was done with the mess.  I will miss the smell of a real needled tree, but I'm hoping a pine-scented candle will make up for the loss.  Also, Hunter's new favorite hiding place is under our twinkly tree.  Here are some pics from decorating:

These are the only pictures I got.  I was too busy decorating with the family to get any more.
As I was putting the finishing touches on said tree, I wondered what happened to my help, then looked over at the couch, and saw this:

Do you like Hunter's pink pull-up diaper?  It's a leftover from Tralee's days in diaperhood.  Just so you know, a real boy can pull off a pink diaper!
Melt my heart with my lovies cute selves!  The only thing that could have made our Friday better would have been a slice of French Silk Pie (I really can't get that thing out of my mind, and I refuse to make another one because I know I'll gluttonously eat all of it too much of it).  Since The Pie was gone, I had to do the next best thing.  I tucked the munchkins into their beds, snuggled up to the hubster on the couch, put on a re-run of How I Met Your Mother (love that show), and basked in the festive decor around me.

We had a great Friday after Thanksgiving!


  1. Wow!! Thanks for sharing, you're so talented!! Everthing you touch turns to rainbows and kissies. You're simply amazing at everything you do!!
