
Thursday, July 14, 2011

Wednesday in Canada

On Wednesday morning we hung out at Cammi's house.  One of our most favorite people, Channy Tranny (Jim's sister), came into town from Lethbridge and hung out with us as well.  Cammi's hubby, Chase, was home from working out of town, and Jim wanted to play Call of Duty with him.  Silly boys!  So, we spent most of the morning at Cammi's hanging out.  She made us all lunch (thanks Cammi), and we waited for more family to show up.

Later on that day Joni (A.K.A Bones of Boins) and her boyfriend Eli arrived.  We were super excited to see Joni and meet her main squeeze! 

A few hours later Jim's eldest sister, Sue, and her family arrived.  Tralee was MORE than excited to meet her new best friend/cousin.  We kept telling her about Colleen, Sue's youngest, and how much fun she would have with Colleen while we were in Canada.  We got her hopes way up, and we didn't disappoint.  Colleen and Tralee had so much fun together!  It was really cute to see them play. Now Tralee calls Colleen her "Canada friend."

Later that day Jim, Ross, Eli, and Chase all went golfing in Waterton.  While the boys did their thing, us girls hung out, caught up, ate yummy food, and played with all the cute kids.  It was a good day!

So. . . now for the pictures.

Just makin' a wish
More wishing
Zayah and Tralee

Pretty purple flowers everywhere.  I have no idea what they are.  They could be weeds for all I know.


Love this girl!  The next few pics are all of Tralee being cute.  I love her cutie patootie self, so I had no problems snapping away about a million pics of her!

Hunter off to golf with Daddy!
Our favorite Auntie Tranny! 
Auntie Cammi and Auntie Joni reading to the littles
Hunter and Zayah checking each other out

Pretty rainbow
This was right after Colleen got there.  Tralee didn't waist any time, and they got right to playing!
Oh, just eatin' an orange
Brusha Brusha
Tralee wanted to have a sleepover with her "new best friend."
Cute girls!  Night night!

Next post coming right up. . . 

1 comment:

  1. Leslie,

    I love your new camera. Great Pics! You are awesome!

    Love, Mom
