
Monday, May 31, 2010

And away we go. . .

Jim's working out-of-town for the month of June, so the kids and I are heading to my parents house while he's away. It'll be a bittersweet trip. I'm excited to see my folks, and let the kids visit with their grandparents, but sad to be apart from my honey for a month. I also don't know how much blogging will be accomplished during our vacay. Probably some. Not a whole bunch. This will also be the longest trip home since I've left the nest ten years ago. I wonder if I'll get a curfew again, or get yelled at for playing my music too loud, or get in trouble if I don't finish my chores in a timely manner (or do them the "right" way i.e. the way my parents do them), or have to practice the piano for at least 30 min a day, or . . . . you get the idea.

I'm looking forward to it.


  1. Well if I know you, you wild thing, you will stay out til 2 am, listen to devil music, and sneak cigarettes in the back yard. I'd keep a close eye on your if I were your parents!

  2. Good council Necha! We will keep our eyes on her.

  3. I'm pretty sure your mom will let you off easy when you bring home those sweet grand-babies with you. They might even watch them while you have a nap! Have a fun time!

  4. I think a trip home will do you some good. Jim is a bad influence on anyone. I'm sure at home they won't allow "Free-Style-Fridays" and innocent young girls, like yourself, to participate. Put your white gold teef away and have a good time. ;)
