First we took these ingredients and made some edible play dough.
Here is Tralee modeling one of our creations:
One day last week I felt like all I was saying to Tralee was "no." So, I got out the washable markers and told her she could draw on my legs -- something that would normally be off limits. She loved it, and added bonus: it kept her busy while I was feeding Hunter. The markings came right off in the shower. I told Tralee it was a one-time deal, and she hasn't tried drawing on herself or me since. Sometimes it's fun to break the rules.
We've been trying the potty training thing lately. We're making progress. . .
S L O W L Y.
Tralee has two potties, one in each bathroom. My Nana gave her one, and Tralee picked out the other when we took her shopping for our "potty party." We got this potty chair, Elmo's Potty Time DVD, and came home and had our potty party.
My friend Audie makes forts with her girls all the time, so one day after coming home from the library, Tralee and I decided to give fort building a whirl. She loved it.
This next picture has Jim written all over it!
My same friend Audie also supplied me with this fun idea:
Put pancake batter that you've added food coloring to into these containers. Cut the tip so it's a little bigger, and make fun pancake shapes for you kids.
If you're not a fan of pancakes shaped like dinosaurs, try making some stuffed french toast. YUMMY! I would post this delicious recipe, but I'm too tired right now. So, just google it!
That's all she wrote
You are such a good mama!!! I wish I was your kid because I would love dinosaur and kitten shaped pancakes and blanket forts, and coloring on your legs! lol!
The kids are adorable on the pictures and what fun things to do.
I have to make one comment, your picture with Hunter (take another look at it) is positively radiant. You have a little makeup on and your face is beautiful. You must have had a good nights sleep. One beautiful mom. That's my grand daughter.
It's always fun reading your blog.
Very creative stuff and beautiful grandkids.
You're the best Mom!! All that stuff looks so fun! I wanna come over and play!
You are a fun mommy! move closer and we could do fun things together!!!
Great post! Thanks!
I'm glad one of us has used the pancake idea. I still haven't gotten the bottles for it. That was a fun post!
You are such a good mom! Sounds like you guys are staying busy and having a lot of fun. I never would have thought of all those fun ideas. You go girl! Love the drawing on the legs, Katelyn would eat that up!
You are such a good mom! Sounds like you guys are staying busy and having a lot of fun. I never would have thought of all those fun ideas. You go girl! Love the drawing on the legs, Katelyn would eat that up!
You guys are having too much fun. I love it. Thanks for all of the good ideas. We are going to have to try those pancakes at our house.
You have some seriously cute kids Leslie! And you are so good at coming up with fun activities for them. I always say I want to start copying of these days I'll become more motivated...hopefully.
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